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Baby, Toddler & Family Photo Shoot At Home - Balham

Mother with her two children

This family had a two month old baby and a two year old toddler. I came to their home, in Balham, for the photo shoot. The toddler was quite a shy girl, but soon warmed to me as we started with her to build up her confidence.

Toddler on the bed
Children's photography at home

She was very sweet with her baby brother.

Big sister's excitement

We then focussed on some family photos.

Family photos at home
Family portrait
Family portrait with baby
Natural family photography
Natural family photography

And some with just mummy and daddy with the baby.

Mummy & daddy with baby
Daddy's kiss
Mamma's kiss

Then it was time to get a few images of this two month old boy.

Natural baby photos
Sleeping baby
Close up on baby's face
Baby's feet
Baby's hand
Baby on mummy's shoulder

Baby, Children's & Family Photographer - Balham, South West London, SW12

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