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Newborn Baby & Family Photographer - Clapham South

Mother & Baby

I came to the home of this family in Clapham South where we started the photo shoot with this little cutie of a newborn baby boy in a basket.

Baby In A Basket
Sleepy Head
Close Up On Baby's Face
Baby Toes

We then went to a bed room, using a bed a base for a variety of baby photos and some with mummy and daddy. However he became a little unsettled and wanted cuddles - there is always time for cuddles and indeed, these make for very touching, gentle photos.

Je t'aime - Baby Photography
Nose To Nose
Playing With Mummy
Kissing Baby Feet
Family Cuddles

We then got a mixture of photos as we this baby settled.

Heart Baby Feet
Baby Feet
Baby Feet With Wedding Bands
Baby Photography
Looking At You!
Motherly Cuddles

Newborn Baby & Family Photographer - Clapham South, South West London, SW12

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Baby & Family


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