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Toddler & Family Photography Shoot - Norwood & Brockwell Park

It was a gorgeous, bright winter's morning when I came to the home of this family in Norwood. I always try to get out as early as I can, particularly on a sunny day. So we got everybody kitted up with coats, hats and gloves and headed off to Brockwell Park.

Sophie, Tabitha's mummy had contacted me to get some family photos with their fifteen month old daughter. Granny was also staying with them, so we had a lovely family group for the photography session.

We wandered through the park playing hide and seek behind the trees and heading towards the lake to check out the ducks. Tabitha was a great and very determined little walker.

Sunday Walk - Children's Photography, Brockwell Park
Stones - Children's Photography, Brockwell Park
Feeding The Ducks - Children's Photography, Brockwell Park
Father & Daughter - Family Photography, Brockwell Park
Toddler & Grandma - Family Photography, Brockwell Park
What's This? Family Photography, Brockwell Park

We headed over towards the playground for a good go on the swings - always brings out a smile on a toddler!

Swings - Children's Photography, Brockwell Park
Happy Face - Children's Photography, Brockwell Park

I am always a curious character and spotting a beautiful red, brick wall I wanted to know what was behind and if we would be able to get inside... and indeed it was worth it, as we discovered a great walled garden. Just perfect for family photos and for Tabitha to run around the bushes (see the photo at the top of this blog post).

Through The Branches - Family Photography, Brockwell Park
Through The Arch - Children's Photography, Brockwell Park

It was then time to go back to the family home and warm ourselves up with a cup of tea and a few more photos of Tabitha and her family.

Playing With Mummy - Family Photography, Norwood
Big Eyes - Children's Photography, Norwood
In Daddy's Arms - Family Photography, Norwood

A fun toddler & family photo shoot in Norwood, South London, SE27

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